Saturday, May 28, 2005

Film: Project Lil' PmP

Game Boy Micro to be portable media player? - Engadget -

One of my future projects was to tag a portable media player with LMH's Short Film division. That future was far off due to mostly to the limited reach because of costs. It got closer with Sony's PSP, but it's still too big and has a limited reach. Soon, for under $180 you can get an EPMP (extremely portable media player). Will a 2" screen be detrimentle? I think it adds to the ability of sharing 30sec-5min short films! If you have feature-length movies on it, that's a no go.

I now plan on having a tagged EPMP, perhaps giving it away with a membership to LMH. I would want to include music, short films and spoken word (poetry, short stories, audiobooks). I just got goosebumps...that's a very good sign.

What are your thoughts on a EPMP? What content are you most likely to use on it?

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